Jason Polakow bei Quatro und Goya

Jason Polakow bei Quatro/Goya

Windsurflegende wechselt zu den hawaiianischen Marken

Windsurflegende Jason Polakow ist ab sofort mit Boards von Quatro und Riggs von Goya unterwegs. Die Freude auf Maui über den neuen Teamrider und Markenbotschafter ist natürlich groß.

Francisco Goyas Worte liefern wir euch unverfälscht im englischen Originaltext: "We are thrilled to announce our warmest welcome to a rider who has inspired us regardless of the gear he rode on. Windsurfing has always been more than just a brand and a sport; it's a passion, a lifestyle, and a community in our quest as collaborative dreamers to bring together what we feel for life. Today, we unite our forces with a name and a movement that resonates in every cell in our body and every corner of the windsurfing world."

Jason Polakow - der mehrfache Wave World Champion ist jetzt Teamrider und Markenbotschafter bei Quatro und Goya Windsurfing
Der mehrfache Wave World Champion ist jetzt Teamrider und Markenbotschafter bei Quatro und Goya

"Jason Polakow's unparalleled dedication, electrifying performances, and groundbreaking gear contributions to the sport have not only set the bar high but also lit our path as we lay into our first bottom turns or went for a late hit in what would have seemed impossible before. Beyond being a professional windsurfer, Jason has been a movement and the driver of our wave-riding culture, who has kept us at the edge of our seats more than I can count. Our mission is to continue the innovations that will inspire the next generations as we elevate our sport to new heights. Welcome to your own tribe, Jason! Thank you for your trust in our team, gear, and your intuition."

18.10.2023 © DAILY DOSE  |  Text: Jürgen Schall  |  Fotos/Grafiken: Goya, Quatro