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El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Jaeger Stone

PWA Wave World Cup Teneriffa 2016 - Tag 6

Ein Pausentag in El Medano

06.08.2016 - Am Samstag stand ein Pausentag an, bevor es am Sonntagabend im Wave Pool des Siam Parks weitergehen wird - Zeit um den Event Revue passieren zu lassen. Anbei zeigen wir euch Bilder der Siegerehrung, Luftaufnahmen der World Cup Location und eindrucksvolle Aufnahmen von der Supersession am Freitag.

Victor Fernandez gewann den Event: "I’m super happy. The conditions were really hard - especially in the opening heat yesterday when I was a bit overpowered on my 4.5m. For the Super Final I changed down to 4.2m, which was perfect and allowed me to go vertical again with my wave riding. It’s quite difficult to tell how windy it is here, maybe with the Calima, so it’s deceptively windy. Overall I’m super stoked with the start to the season and I can’t quite believe it. Now I’m looking forward to the next event in Denmark and I hope we get conditions there as well. Thank you all for your support and congratulations to all for the great level of this week."
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Kraftvolle Wellen brechen über dem flachen Riff
Iballa Moreno: "Yesterday was super fun, but the waves were a little bit different. In the Super Final I managed to land to good jumps straight away, but I couldn’t find my waves today and I didn’t find what I needed until super late on. With 5 minutes left I knew I still needed two waves and thankfully I was able to find them. When I came back to the beach I didn’t know if I’d won or not because you never know what Daida has done. Super happy and it was a great event."

Steffi Wahl erreichte den dritten Rang bei den Ladies: "Done! Finished 3rd here in Tenerife and I'm super happy! I’ve had a beautiful time here on the island with loads of sailing and good conditions. Congrats to all the girls, especially for my german Patrik Windsurf International team member Lina Erpenstein for finishing 6th. Watch out for this girl! She has got some airtime in her pocket!"
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Philip Köster
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Der Spot Cabezo
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
El Medano
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Der Teide im Hintergrund
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Das Materiallager
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Siegerehrung der Männer
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Top 3 der Ladies
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Alle Gewinner des Events
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Bilder der Supersession vom Freitag - Noah Vocker
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Antoine Martin
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Alessio Stillrich
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Leon Jamaer
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Adam Lewis
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Pablo Ramirez
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Alessio Stillrich
El Medano Tenerife PWA World Cup 2016
Antoine Martin
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